Finding the Right Fit: Are CBSE Schools Too Competitive for My Child?


Choosing the right school is a big decision for any parent. You want your child to get the best education possible, but you also worry about them feeling overwhelmed or stressed. CBSE schools are popular in India, but are they too competitive for young learners?

CBSE schools follow the curriculum set by the Central Board of Secondary Education, India's national education board. They are known for their structured approach to education, focusing on academic excellence and holistic development.

CBSE schools follow a standardized curriculum that emphasizes core subjects like Math, Science, and English. This ensures a strong academic foundation for your child.

  • Focus on the Child's Needs

Every child is different. Some thrive in a challenging environment, while others blossom in a more relaxed setting. Consider your child's personality, learning style, and interests before making a decision. It's important to note that not all CBSE schools are highly competitive. Many schools focus on providing a supportive environment where every child can thrive. The best CBSE school in Faridabad will prioritize the well-being and development of each student.

  • But Competition Can Be High

Let's be honest, CBSE schools can be competitive. Entrance exams and high expectations can sometimes create pressure for students. CBSE schools are often perceived as competitive environments where students are constantly pushed to excel academically. This can create a stressful environment for some children, especially those who thrive in a more relaxed setting.

  • Finding a Balance is Important

Best CBSE schools in Faridabad understand this. They strive to create a balance between academic rigor and a nurturing environment. One of the key considerations for parents is finding a school that offers a balance between academics and extracurricular activities. The best schools in Faridabad understand the importance of nurturing a child's interests outside the classroom.

  • Focus on Effort, Not Just Results

The best schools in Faridabad go beyond just grades. They encourage students to value the effort they put in, not just the end result. This fosters a love of learning and a growth mindset. CBSE schools can be a great place for your child to develop strong character traits. They often emphasize values like discipline, respect, and teamwork.

  • Holistic Development Matters

Top CBSE schools in Faridabad go beyond academics. They offer a variety of extracurricular activities that help children develop their talents and interests. This could be anything from sports and music to art and drama. A confident child is a successful child. We provide a warm and welcoming environment where students feel comfortable taking risks and expressing themselves.


CBSE schools offer a rigorous academic curriculum and a supportive environment for students. We at The Shriram Millennium School are devoted to providing a safe and encouraging environment for a child to grow, evolve, and tap into his/her full potential. Along with the parents, the school has built a community to instil great values and leadership qualities in the students. 

Currently, we have 3 campuses across India, which are in Noida, Faridabad, and Gurugram. In a result-driven fast-paced world, we encourage our students to value efforts and enhance their character and personality. We provide a warm and welcoming environment to the students to express themselves and build their confidence. 

We have developed our curriculum keeping both the Indian culture and global perspective in mind to equip our students to excel in all spheres of life. Teachers and Staff at The Shriram Millennium School give full support and attention to the students to make them feel heard and bring out the best qualities in them.


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