
Showing posts from May, 2024

Rote Learning vs Holistic Development: Can CBSE Schools Strike a Balance?

  In India, the CBSE curriculum is a popular choice for parents. But can these schools create a well-rounded learning experience?  Firstly, let's understand what rote learning and holistic development mean. Rote learning is the process of memorising information only after fully understanding it. It involves repeating information until it is remembered, often without context. On the other hand, holistic development focuses on nurturing all aspects of a child's development, including intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth. It aims to create well-rounded individuals who can think critically, solve problems creatively, and communicate effectively. Rote Learning: The Pressure to Memorize Rote learning emphasises memorising facts and figures. It's a traditional approach that can help students score well on exams. But does it prepare them for the real world? Limited understanding: Rote learning needs to teach students why things are how they are. They simply memorise

Finding the Right Fit: Are CBSE Schools Too Competitive for My Child?

  Choosing the right school is a big decision for any parent. You want your child to get the best education possible, but you also worry about them feeling overwhelmed or stressed. CBSE schools are popular in India, but are they too competitive for young learners? CBSE schools follow the curriculum set by the Central Board of Secondary Education, India's national education board. They are known for their structured approach to education, focusing on academic excellence and holistic development. CBSE schools follow a standardized curriculum that emphasizes core subjects like Math, Science, and English. This ensures a strong academic foundation for your child. Focus on the Child's Needs Every child is different. Some thrive in a challenging environment, while others blossom in a more relaxed setting. Consider your child's personality, learning style, and interests before making a decision. It's important to note that not all CBSE schools are highly competitive. Many schoo

Teaching Table Etiquettes To Young Children

All love a polite and well-behaved child. Teaching your young kid to follow proper table etiquettes in front of guests is an overwhelming experience for parents. Kids saying the finest two words, 'please and thank you,' is the beginning of imparting manners. But, teaching young ones table manners is a challenging job. Manners and table etiquettes are essential social skills that a child should learn from preschool days. Teaching preschoolers at the top schools in Faridabad about the basics of acceptable table etiquettes will help them show respect for food and others around the table. Parents should encourage their kids to practice proper etiquettes once they are old enough to understand the idea. Simple table manners like putting a napkin on their lap or putting their plate off the table are some of the etiquettes that will help them instill some of the best behaviour. Teachers of The Shriram Millennium School, one of the top CBSE schools in Faridabad , emphasize imparting