How To Choose The Best School For Your Child

 best cbse school in faridabad

As a parent, the urge to secure a promising future for your child is sure to drive all the decisions you make. The very first step in that direction would be to select a school that offers the best educational facilities. And of all the facilities that a school offers, the curriculum and teaching-learning methodology would surely be the primary deciding factor at this crucial time.

When you are choosing the best school for your child, it is easy to be swayed by terms such as ‘world-class’ or ‘holistic education’ or other such words that signal to you that an institution is the very best in every way. What parents really want, however, is a school that offers an environment where their child can become the best version of herself or himself. Today, excellence in academics and co-curriculars is not the only criteria while choosing a school.

Parents also want to know whether a school offers a value-based education, whether a school is safe and whether a school gives ample exposure to hone life-skills. Most parents want to send their child to a school where excellence is a matter of habit and discipline is self-driven. With an array of schools at their disposal, each claiming to offer the best in terms of a global learning experience, it is often difficult to make the right choice. At this juncture, it is important to make a checklist of the most important criteria. To help you do this, here is a checklist of the top five aspects to consider when choosing a school.

  1. A safe and supportive environment

In an age when mental health is as important as physical health if not more, it is imperative that an institution that you choose for your child makes mental health a priority. If you find a school where the curriculum incorporates programmes to ensure a safe and supportive, collaborative environment, it is a big plus.

  1. Curriculum 

As a parent, you might find it difficult to choose between examining boards such as CBSE, ICSE, IGCSE , IB or a State Board. A smart way to overcome this dilemma would be to check if the institution has a curriculum of its own that amalgamates the best teaching-learning practices of boards across the world. If the school you are looking at offers not just a curriculum suggested by the board it is affiliated to, but much more, it is a rare find.

  1. Faculty

Whether it is choosing a school or university, the faculty is an important factor to consider while choosing the best school for your child. Pertinent questions to ask would be ‘What quality do the faculty members of the institution most certainly have?’ ‘Is there ample training given to teachers?’ and finally, ‘How strong is the student-teacher connect?’ Faculty members with a vast amount of experience and very high educational qualifications may not always be able to transact the curriculum effectively. How an institution grooms its educators says a lot about the educational experience on offer.

  1. Educational Facilities

Gone are the days when smartboards in classrooms were rare. Today, it is not difficult to find a school that boasts of the best of infrastructure and educational facilities. You would often find a string of certifications to drive in the point that a school has excellent facilities. The question that arises here, however, is, ‘How does this make the child’s learning more effective?’

  1. Overall development of students 

When parents choose a school, they expect its educational environment to be such that it brings out the best in their child. Schools today have a long list of activities that children can take up. It is important for parents to understand that a random range of activities no matter how vast, is not enough. It is only when activities are well-thought-out and supplement learning, that education is impactful. Be it leadership programs, public speaking mentorship modules, reading and literacy clubs or inter-school debates, quizzes and MUNs – they can only make a difference when the integration of these programmes are done in a methodical and consistent manner, in keeping with the institution’s ethos and culture.

Parents trying to find the right school for their child in the Delhi NCR region often find themselves in a quandary as a number of educational institutions claim to offer the best of education and infrastructure. Armed with a checklist that lists your priorities as a parent, you are sure to make the right decision.

Choose the Best CBSE School in Faridabad

If you are keen on choosing the best CBSE school for your child, in Faridabad, The Shriram Millennium School, situated in Sector 81, must be at the top of your search. Adjudged the No. 1 CBSE school in Faridabad by Education World Survey, for five years in a row, The Shriram Millennium School is known for its commitment to education of global standards with a value-based, progressive curriculum. This is a school that sets the benchmark for excellence in education and offers a safe and supportive environment to children. Building on the legacy of The Shri Ram Schools, it aims to nurture life-long learners.

It is a fact that the responsibility of choosing the best school for your child sits heavily on your shoulders, as parents. However, when your priorities are clear and you are absolutely certain of what you want for your child – making the choice is not difficult. It is only the question of finding the right fit.


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